以 Precious Paradise 絲巾的設計為基礎
一隻猴子摘下鮮花綁成花束,兩隻正在交談的企鵝看得目瞪口呆。蜥蜴與天鵝相談甚歡,狐猴與鸚鵡談天說地,長頸鹿和斑馬一臉驚奇。Katie Scott 受到 17 世紀版畫的啟發,以噴泉為背景呈現一座融滙東西方色彩的動物園,打造動植物和諧融合的天堂景象。

The story behind
Based on the Precious Paradise scarf design
A monkey picks flowers for a bouquet, surprising two penguins in the middle of a conversation. A lizard happily chats with a swan, while a lemur talks to a parrot, and a giraffe and zebra look on in amazement. Against a backdrop of fountains inspired by 17th-century engravings, Katie Scott presents a zoo of East and West. A vision of paradise where flora and fauna harmoniously merge together.
Designed by Katie Scott
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