#英國牛津 - 參觀學院與大教堂 Christ Church

住在牛津以後,發覺最大的好處就是可以簡單地找到歷史性高的建築來看。住在一個古城跟我著在荷蘭 Enschede 的感覺完全不一樣,前者盡是像我一樣什麼都不太了解的遊客,後者則是一個你在《Desperate Housewives》可以看到的平凡小小鎮。

參觀不同的 college 是我現在最大的興趣,每個大大小小的學院都有自己的風格和規矩;富有的學院就像一個小型的城堡。參觀學院大概收取不同費用(詳情按此),因應不同地方或開放的範圍而定。大學職員可以免費出入各個 college,也可帶同一個 guest 進內;這項 benefit 好讓我們四處尋幽訪勝啊。

Christ Church(http://www.chch.ox.ac.uk/)內裡有個名為 Tom Quad 的圓型大草地,非常好看。Cathedral 有著不少危彩艷麗的窗戶、以及星形圖案的拱頂;當中以 1320 年製成的中世紀窗 “The Becket Window” 最為古老。由於我沒有宗教信仰,所以在參觀大教堂的時候都只是看看特色的窗戶和教堂的建築,相對如此我還更喜歡外邊的舊石牆、樓梯以及小花園。

* * * * *

Moving to Oxford has the advantage of being around historic buildings, it’s so different from a town like Enschede (in the Netherlands). Oxford is, in a nutshell, a tourist town with many strangers to the town here, and Enschede, well, it’s more like what you can find in Desperate Housewives.

Touring colleges in Oxford is now my new hobby. Each college – large or small – has its own vibe, say, the weathy(-ier) ones are like a castle of it own. Most(?) colleges charge an admission fee (see the charges here), depend on which college you are visiting. But, staff from the university can visit them for free with a guest, which allows us to visit them.

Tom Quad of Christ Church (http://www.chch.ox.ac.uk/) is a very nice and large open area, the Cathedral in the college has different astonishing glass windows, including, for example, the Becket Window (being made in c. 1320).

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3 responses to “#英國牛津 - 參觀學院與大教堂 Christ Church”

  1. Meredith Lee Avatar
    Meredith Lee

    You’re very cool, I like your outfits and style very much! Pls post them more :)

    1. Sophia CH. Avatar
      Sophia CH.

      Thank you very much Meredith (:

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