最近除了聽 Bat for Lashes 的《The Haunted Man》以外就是聽 Birdy。這個十六歲的女生有一個鋼琴家媽媽,七歲開始學琴,八歲寫曲;十二歲那年就憑自己所寫的 “So Be Free” 拿了 2008 Open Mic UK 的大獎(以下十八歲以下組別的冠軍)。這張唱片大多都是她的翻唱作品,當中我最喜歡她自彈自唱 Bon Iver 的 “Skinny Love”。她的版本跟 Bon Iver’s 完全不一樣,沒有老練的靈魂卻有種感覺泥足深陷的邊緣感;若要比較的話,我還是喜歡 Bon Iver’s Skinny Love 多一點。

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Other than Bat for Lashes’s “The Haunted Man”, we are playing Birdy’s self-titled album. Birdy, a 16 years old girl, who started learning piano from seven, wrote a song at 8, and won Open Mic UK in 2008. Her self-titled debut album contains all but except one (i.e. Without a Word) covers. I love the song “Skinny Love”, which gives a different feeling from Bon Iver’s original version.

“Birdy” – Birdy, get it via iTunes.