正在讀未來主義:Umberto Boccioni: States of Mind I, II & III

Source: What Are You Looking At? 150 Years of Modern Art in the Blink of an Eye

Umberto Boccioni (Italian, 1882–1916) States of Mind I: The Farewells (1911)

Umberto Boccioni (Italian, 1882–1916) States of Mind II: Those Who Go (1911)

Umberto Boccioni (Italian, 1882–1916) States of Mind III: Those Who Stay (1911)

林一峰說過,看著油畫,聽著《十二金釵眾生花》裡,李香琴獨白,關淑怡演唱的《三千年前》,在 MoMa 裡得到前所未有的震撼。

Set in a train station, this series of three paintings explores the psychological dimension of modern life’s transitory nature. In The Farewells, Boccioni captures chaotic movement and the fusion of people swept away in waves as the train’s steam bellows into the sky. Oblique lines hint at departure in Those Who Go, in which Boccioni said he sought to express “loneliness, anguish, and dazed confusion.” In Those Who Stay, vertical lines convey the weight of sadness carried by those left behind. – Gallery Label Text 2006.

未來主義畫家喜歡在畫布上詮釋過程與進化,以表示對工業文化的鍾愛和熱情;對工業和機械的高求中見人類對征服自然的渴求和自滿。Umberto Boccioni 筆下一系列的 States of Mind 三步曲都在展示人類和機械互動之下的心靈影響。Those Who Go 帶出出門離去的旅人刻畫了 “loneliness, anguish, and dazed confusion.”,The Farewell 顯出搭客揮手道別,而 Those Who Stay 的垂直線則刻畫了留下的沉重和憂鬱。一系列畫作都在探索機械之下人類的心理描繪。

他的 pre-trip 作品其實跟 Post-Impressionistic 很相類似,帶著 Van Gogh 的表現主義,Gauguin 的象徵意義,帶著 Cézanne 的色彩同時也有 Seurat 的 color separation theory;而且 Umberto Boccioni 的第一系列作品更被指帶有 Edvard Munch 的混亂狀態多於具前瞻性、進取、漫不經心而且鍾愛速度和機械的 Futurist。以上三幅在巴黎以外繪成的作品則更讓我們能想像更多關於未來主義的取向;由 Cubist 靈感開發解構幾何形狀的 Those Who Go,由 Metropolis (1927) 啟發的人與機械人合併;The Farewells 中的數字明顯由 Braque 和 Picasso 啟發;Those Who Stay 遺留下的是一堆堆感傷的回憶,粗線條下,列車開出剩下傷感的人。這也是 Cubist 和 Futurist 的互相影響的開端。