叫我喜歡或是鍾情的其實可以是這種。不一定是找個法國女孩喃喃自語,也不一起活潑開懷的叫你情緒起伏躍升。Kill It Kid 裡頭的 Chris Turpin,擁有一把與他外表不相乎的聲音;那種沙啞的力竭聲斯好像能把心裡隱匿的一塊都抽出來。
會讓我聽 1000 次的,是這種。
oh yeah, I’m a fan, https://www.facebook.com/killitkidofficial
Falling deeper, falling, as the river bursts it’s banks.
The night is laced in red as the moon laps over us,
and the music from my fingers dances through her hair.
Please me she cries, as the flames get higher, every wave breaks desire.
Falling deeper, falling, as the river bursts it’s banks.
We’re swept into the swell, straight in darling we fell.
The stars shine like switch blade silver, in the water I was hers.
Please me she cries, as the flames get higher, every wave breaks desire.
Falling deeper, falling, as the river bursts it’s banks.
High low fast slow.
As the river burst it’s banks.
As the river burst it’s banks.
As the river burst it’s banks.