Haute Parure scarf 90

Published Categorized as Hermès Silk Scarves & Accessories Collection
H004099S 01


維吉妮·雅蒙(Virginie Jamin)用一系列色彩鮮豔、排列巧妙的搭扣、馬勒、蝴蝶結和流蘇,構思出一個充滿奇思妙想的世界,將馬術裝飾品和披掛融為一體,形成令人眼花撩亂的圓圈。

The story behind

In an array of brightly colored and cleverly arranged buckles, bridles, bows and tassels, Virginie Jamin imagines a story of the world, bringing together equestrian ornaments and finery in a hypnotic circle.

Designed by Virginie Jamin

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