[藝術] 那些在街道上與你穿得一模一樣的陌生人 都市異同相集 by Hans Eijkelboom

如果一份激情、一種嗜好能夠維持一段長時間的話;總能得到一點得著。現在說起街拍,或者劈頭第一個想到的是 The Sartorialist、Tommy Ton 之類的時尚街拍專家。時尚和流行帶來的視覺衝擊他們都以快門按下紀錄;對他們來說,拍的是時尚、是流行、是 fashion industial 的事。尤其是因為這樣,更讓我覺得來自荷蘭的攝影師 Hans Eijkelboom 拍下的更叫我動之以情。出生於 1949,二次世界大戰後的攝影師 Hans Eijkelboom 說 postwar memories 影響他很多。

“When you are born shortly after the second World War, you can’t avoid being afraid,” he says. “You might say, ‘It could only have happened in Germany that a culture could change so much that concentration camps became possible.’ But of course, that’s nonsense. It can happen anywhere, and if you were born in that time, then it was a very disturbing experience. I think that’s the reason that I’m interested in the ordinary more than the extraordinary. The mass is the most important power in a culture.”

結果,Eijkelboom 的作品裡全部都是同類化又或是我們的共通共同又或是獨特之處。他把相機放到心口,手中握緊搖控快門。站在街上找一個主題,然後在那十五分鐘、三十分鐘又或是幾小時的過程裡只拍那個主題的照片。如果說現在的街拍拍的是時尚,這裡拍的就是文化和生活。每個人在同一個主題下會有微細不同分別,或者他和她怎樣去穿著或者配搭那類衣服之間那微細之處就是塑造文化和推動文化的一小步。你或者都沒有想像過,在我們成就文化的時候,所謂主流交化如何塑成我們;我倒是沒有想到,站在街角的幾分鐘到幾十分鐘裡都有這麼多穿得近類的個體出沒。

source: nymag/thecut