不經不覺已經來到 Season 1 Episode 4,才不過三數幾集,我已經覺得它好像流浪了一個世紀。看著 Elliot 吸毒幻覺時間觀感全錯的時候似乎我都跟著情節住進入無時間狀態。每每他在戒斷狀態都叫我好緊張。
(1)關於男主角和 Mr. Robot:我基本上都已經覺得他就是那個大叔,大叔就是他。一來因為我說過我覺得大叔要擔正一半成黑客團的 teamleader 有點不吸引(相關舊文:Season 1 Episode 3 觀後感)。二來大叔似乎都沒有跟其他人交流,就算在餐廳裡有,最後在團隊裡有;都不過是男主以大叔的性格跟大對話的吧。應該這樣說,我差不多已經 99% 地盲目認定他就是大叔,大叔就是他;如果他跟大叔 end up 是兩個人,只要是合理的話,我反而會覺得好有趣(因為猜錯了劇情永遠更過癮)。
(2)青梅竹馬女主:就算是那段浪漫的公司求婚記都沒讓我覺得她有什麼值得人喜歡的地方。然後她跟男朋友 TMD 分手以後送他的分手禮物叫人「連工都無埋」真是讓人覺得女人真是好恨、絕。
(3)yellowbean 一早就猜到那個被檢控的毒犯殺人犯啊大佬還會有戲的,啊對啦,猜對了。
(6)那對 SM 夫婦真是 capable of doing anything。利用人家渴望的,以及不能失去為手段。不得不說硬闖人家浴室然後淡淡然走出去的一段,導演寫得非常好。
還值得一說的是這一集的取景和鏡頭也有特別設計過,在 steel mountain 的好絃幕,以及 SM 夫婦跟人家吃飯的畫面;好幾次都有好明顯的中線分割和深度感。當然最吸引我的還是對白(讀白),無論開場或尾段讀白都讓人超有反思。
My father picked me up from school one day, and we played hooky and went to the beach. It was too cold to go in the water, so we sat on a blanket and ate pizza. When I got home, my sneakers were full of sand, and I dumped it on my bedroom floor. I didn’t know the difference. I was six. My mother screamed at me for the mess, but he wasn’t mad. He said that billions of years ago, the world shifting and the oceans moving brought that sand to that spot on the beach, and then I took it away. “Every day,” he said, “we change the world,” which is a nice thought until I think about how many days and lifetimes I would need to bring a shoe full of sand home until there is no beach, until it made a difference to anyone. Every day, we change the world, but to change the world in a way that means anything, that takes more time than most people have. It never happens all at once. It’s slow. It’s methodical. It’s exhausting. We don’t all have the stomach for it.
Mr. Robot (2015– ) ★★★★★
Creator: Sam Esmail
IMDb Rating: 9.3/10 – 25,362 votes
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 97% – 35 votes
豆瓣 Rating: 8.7/10 – 1,247 votes
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