ARKET 五月推薦!Made in Sweden 瑞典製造的好買好物!

這星期終於有一半的窗子打開包圍的封膠,重見天日;被陽光曬得心曠神怡的同時,給大家寫下五月份的瑞典品牌推薦欄目。這次我把本月在 Arket 買到而且真的感到非常稱心滿意的選擇找出來,其實他們的東西我差不多每一件都想推薦,不過目前只聊五月份入手的三項 Arket 好物。

瑞典品牌 H&M 當地最熱賣推薦:目測體重立馬激減!OVERSIZED 春季平織背心外套

這個欄目我想每月都寫一篇,每個月去翻一下 H&M 的實力之星,挑一件當地熱賣而且我非常推薦的產品。

Living in Stockholm Sweden. Life in the Scandinavian capital.

Get in touch

Born in Hong Kong, resided in The Netherlands and Oxford (UK), Hamburg (DE) currently based in Stockholm, Sweden, Sophia Ch. is the founder and the writer behind the lifestyle blog, The blog opened in 2011, topics covered include food, art, beauty, fashion, travel and beyond. She has written on fashion & beauty for both online and offline publications. Sophia developed a deep love for art and culture as well.

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