I’m Not Writing About You:Ruby Sparks|書中自有夢女神 / 戀戀書中人(2012,Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris)★★★☆☆
IMDb Ratings: 7.2/10 from 19,391 users
理論上我是不會喜歡這種電影(事實又沒有很討厭,這到底是喜歡還是不喜歡呢,我都無法說清),卻又很想寫下一些讀後感。《Ruby Sparks》說的是一個孤獨作家(Paul Dano 飾)的故事,除了前女朋友、哥哥(嫂子)與及心理醫生以外,根本沒有朋友。他寫了很多暢銷小說,寫了很多幻想的故事。有一天他筆下的女主角 Ruby(Zoe Kazan 飾)出現於他家裡,他寫的情節和內容,全部都變成真實。
男主角一出場演了幾場我就差點怪叫我喜歡這種性格的男生。《Miss Little Sunshine》(2006)的導演一樣找回演《Miss Little Sunshine》的那個談尼采的男生演男主角;而最重要的重點其實是:寫劇本的,就是在戲裡的飾演 Ruby 的 Zoe Kazan,而她跟男主角在現實裡又真是男女朋友。將書寫變成現實的情況成了兩重奏,也很有趣。
(以下可能劇透)說回電影本身,我倒是覺得 Ruby Sparks 其實就只不過是 control freak 作家對前度的心理投射,整套劇就是心理醫生叫他寫的 very bad 故事,最後才實實在在地遇上所謂的 Ruby 吧。就像 wyman 跟林夕說的一樣,有時候就是怕寫得太真實,作家們都愛將故事的細節修改,地方或是職業的轉換;就是不要讓前度知道你還有多想念他。
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I don’t think I like this type of film, but I don’t think I will like it either; “Ruby Sparks” is a story about a lonely writer Calvin (Paul Dano), who does not really have friends. One day, a character in his work-in-progress novel, Ruby (Zoe Kazan) appears in his real life, and all the things he writes about her are/become reality.
I think Calvin is sort of my type (the writer’s style I mean). The director of “Miss Little Sunshine” (2006) has the same boy played his movie. Two little fun facts about this film is that it is written by Ruby, oh well, Zoe Kazan, and she is really in a relationship with Paul.
SPOILER ALERT! Back to the film now, I’d imagine Ruby is, in fact, just a psychological projection of the control freak writer’s ex. The entire film is simply the story written by him, until he finally met Ruby. As Wyman and Lin Xi said, sometimes writers are afraid to be too honest, so they may change the details of their stories and try to hide their feeling in their works.
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