向日葵、玫瑰、風鈴草、大麗菊或勿忘我——如果世界上每個國家都化身為一朵花卉,會是什麼景象呢? Christine Henry 對植物有深入的認識,從自然特性到象徵意義皆瞭如指掌。為了創作這款絲巾,她細心研究每個國家與當地花卉之間的關係,並在球體投影圖上描繪出各國的特有種植物,以詩意手法呈現生物的多樣性。

The story behind
Sunflower, rose, bellflower, dahlia or forget-me-not – what if every country in the world were a flower? Christine Henry knows a lot about plants, from their natural properties to their symbolism. To create this scarf, she looked for the connections between each country and the flowers that grow there, before charting a planisphere in which endemic species are placed over the corresponding parts of the world. The resulting map could serve as a poetic guide to protecting biodiversity.
Designed by Christine Henry
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