
以 Ça Decoiffe! 絲巾的設計為基礎

從前有一位“大耳朵先生,” 雖然秋日的巴黎充滿傷感氣息,但陽光似乎總是跟隨在他身後,而路人總是對他投以好奇的眼光。有一天,一位好奇的小女孩問他為什麼總是這麼快樂。這位先生拉長耳朵,小女孩往裡面一瞧,竟然看到熱鬧非凡的嘉年華,為熱情的觀眾帶來馬戲團的雜技表演、鋼琴演奏、老虎、貓、鯨魚和許多玩具。小女孩對歡快的音樂和笑聲感到無限驚奇。其他路人不相信,但是 Baptiste Virot 深信不疑,並且答應為這段永生難忘的回憶設計一款絲巾。

The story behind

Based on the Ça Decoiffe ! scarf design

Once upon a time, there was a man called Mr Big-Ears. Passers-by would stare at him with suspicion because a ray of sunshine seemed to follow him wherever he walked in the autumnal gloom of Paris. One day, an inquisitive little girl asked him why he always seemed so happy. The gentleman held out his ear to her and she peered inside. There was a fiesta in full swing! A circus with acrobats, a pianist, a tiger, a cat, a whale and lots of toys were putting on a show for a roaring crowd. This merry medley of music and laughter filled the little girl with wonder for evermore. No one in the street would believe her – except for Baptiste Virot, who promised to design a scarf for her to immortalize this unforgettable memory.

Designed by Baptiste Virot


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