Choreographie Equestre 馬術舞譜 scarf 70


這場馬術舞蹈由四對才華橫溢的舞者,以及活力盎然的駿馬共同呈現。這幅具象繪畫以純色為焦點,散發活潑優雅的動感。Jean-Louis Sauvat 身兼畫家、雕塑家、騎士和 Hermès 的摯友,與品牌一樣熱愛馬匹及其優雅氣度。

The story behind

This equestrian choreography features a quartet of vibrant horses led by talented dancers. This figurative drawing, accentuated by solid colors, exudes a lively and elegant sense of movement. The painter, sculptor, rider and close friend of Hermès, Jean-Louis Sauvat, shares Hermès’ love for horses and their elegant grace.

Designed by  Jean-Louis Sauvat