福寶大道總店建築在五彩繽紛的漩渦中無限延伸,打造出充滿夢幻色彩的場景。雕刻師、印刷工匠和調色師等 Hermès 工匠正搭乘小火車遊湖。每輛馬車皆充滿慶典氛圍,車身、駿馬和賽車彷彿紛紛從卡通世界中走出。四周的山谷和山脈峰峰相連,直至隨風飄動的熱氣球,而精靈則以熱切的目光凝視童話般的場景。

The story behind
In this dreamlike scene, the Faubourg building branches out endlessly in a multicolored swirl. Engravers, printers and colorists, the artisans of Hermès, are transported around a lake aboard a small train. Each carriage is a celebration in itself: a carriage, horse and racing car all look like something out of a cartoon. All around, valleys and mountains reach up to the hot-air balloons carried along by the wind, while a few elves gaze in fascination at this fairytale scene.
Designed by Elias Kafouros
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