克里斯汀·勒農西亞(Christian Renonciat)設計的「愛馬仕飛馬」方巾可謂是「精妙的機械構造,向達文西和重構建新世界的宏大夢想致敬。 」這匹飛馬的周圍環繞著意義深遠的字句:「猶如湍急溪流中的水奔騰不息,亦如豐沃的想像力天馬行空,風馳電掣,無人可擋。 「飛馬與愛馬仕的相遇或許是注定的命運。

The story behind
Based on the Le Pegase d’Hermès scarf design
Christian Renonciat’s Pegase d’Hermès is “a mechanical construction, a tribute to Leonardo da Vinci and to the dream of rebuilding the world.” This winged horse is framed by a long inscription: “Like the waters of the torrent that leap, like the fertile imagination that overflows, one cannot stop its fiery race.” In other words, his meeting with Hermès is a foregone conclusion.
Designed by Christian Renonciat
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