Le Cavalier a la Trompette 吟遊騎士 scarf 90


騎士從一個城鎮騎到另一個城鎮,彷彿從童話故事中躍然眼前,幾乎可以聽到他即興演奏數個音符。Jan Bajtlik 的 Cavalier à la Trompette 從中世紀手抄本、描寫愛情和戰爭的抒情詩手稿,以及 1960 年代享譽全球的波蘭海報汲取靈感,以充滿童趣的筆觸大肆揮灑出這位 21 世紀騎士詩人的剪影,使真絲材質綻放歡樂氛圍。

The story behind

You can almost hear him improvising a few notes as he rides from town to town, looking like something straight out of a fairy tale. Jan Bajtlik’s Cavalier à la Trompette is inspired both by a medieval codex, a manuscript of lyrical poetry about love and battles, as well as Polish posters from the 1960s, which have become famous all over the world. Created with large, almost childlike brushstrokes, the silhouette of this 21st-century knight-poet joyfully illuminates the silk of this scarf.

Designed by Jan Bajtlik