Funny Ice Cream 趣味冰淇淋 scarf 70

Published Categorized as Hermès Silk Scarves & Accessories Collection
H984109S 04


以 Funny Ice Cream 絲巾的設計為基礎

結束在海灘上玩耍的行程,就到了吃冰淇淋的時間了。Elias Kafouros 從他在希臘的童年時光以及 Hermès 的經典元素中汲取靈感,創作出本季的菜單。您想吃一個雙重巧克力駿馬造型冰淇淋,或是綿密的福寶大道杯裝霜淇淋呢? 好難作出選擇!

The story behind

Based on the Funny Ice Cream scarf design After the beach, it’s time for ice cream. Elias Kafouros drew inspiration from his childhood in Greece as well as iconic Hermès elements to create this season’s menu. So, will you be tempted by the double-chocolate Horsey or the smooth cream of the Faubourg cup? It’s a tough choice to make.

Designed by Elias Kafouros

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