
《Legion》裡面,Syd 說:「Just promise me, if you get lost, we get lost together.」(似乎就是 I’ll try to fix you 的相反

或者只有不顧後果的願望,直教人動之以情。Syd 沒有在乎大家是不是在 fighting a war,亦不會理解他到底是不是眼前人所說的 only ever thinking about numero uno。「I’m not treating him.」她說。她並不需要治療他。如果要掉失於洪流之中,掉就一起掉吧。因為迷失,所以在乎;抑或是因為在乎,才叫人感到迷失?或者就是無論那會否變成一片血肉模糊,亦不再外乎是否即將要變成一堆焦土;才會讓這些多多少少的一切變得毫不相干。因為就算 David 是個變態、是個殺人狂、是個無藥可救的魔鬼,她都沒所謂;或者,最終甚至就是要痴心錯付,才說得上是瘋狂到底的浪漫。

Who teaches us to be normal when we’re one of a kind? Just promise me, if you get lost, we get lost together. 

Why are there so many songs about rainbows
And what’s on the other side
Rainbows are visions
But only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide

So we’ve been told
And some choose to believe it
I know they’re wrong, wait and see
Some day we’ll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers, and me

*寫於《Legion》第 1 季第 5 集後