Animaux Bandana 快樂動物園bandana bandana 55

Published Categorized as Hermès Silk Scarves & Accessories Collection
H044100S 05


以 Animaux 絲巾的設計為基礎

Shinsuke Kawahara 在絲巾設計中將其最具代表性的兔子化身為隱藏版角色,讓其他動物成為矚目焦點。充滿禪意的樹懶溫柔地注視畫面中央的駿馬扮演西部牛仔、巨嘴鳥和鸚鵡盡情展示羽毛,和母猴帶著寶寶散步,動物王國歲月靜好。

The story behind

Based on the Animaux bandana scarf design
For this bandana design, Shinsuke Kawahara has hidden his signature rabbits to let the rest of the wildlife exhibit take center stage. Meanwhile, in the center, the horses are playing cowboys, the toucan and the parrot are comparing their feathers, and the mother monkey is walking her baby, all under the benevolent gaze of the Zen-like sloth. The animal kingdom is at peace.

Designed by Shinsuke Kawahara

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