|英國生活|在牛津 Cafe Loco 與愛麗絲夢遊仙境

從來都沒有想像未來將會發生的事,就正如我在選讀文學的時候都沒有想過會讀志怪小說會讀《燕山逢故人鄭意娘傳》,也沒有想過到頭來又喜歡讀 Allen Poe 會愛上他的陰深恐怖;更沒想過現在來讀格林兄弟,誓要看完《Children’s and Household Tales》才罷休。

“HANS IN LUCK” by Grimm Brothers

因為文學課的關係,最近開始讀《Children’s and Household Tales》(格林童話)(Lucy Crane 譯)。最喜歡這個,“HANS IN LUCK”: Hans had served his Master seven years, and at the end of that time he said to him: “Master, since my time is up, I should like to go home to my mother; so give me my wages, if you please.” His Master replied, “You have served…