|美劇|What was real?你喜歡的是他還是他那面具?《Legion》第1季第4集

It doesn’t sound like David.
I know you like him, but he’s not stable. Trust me. Well, you try hearing voices for 10, 15 years, self-medicate with hard drugs, and then get dumped in a loony bin.
I was in a loony bin.
Yeah, but you’re I mean no offence, but compared to him, his power, you’re a card trick.
Imagine if he used his power. He’s a bomb.


Or did I just love the idea of him, the face he showed me?
All I could do was follow the lines, pull a string.
The things he’d done.
The things he’d said.
Who are we, if not the stories we tell ourselves?

「What was real?」對 Syd 來說是這一集的重點。

什麼是真實?眼前到底是 David 的意識還不過是種 simulation?有時候你根本不能分辦面前的事是確戴正的真實(甚至乎我會這樣的告訴自己:或者就連對方亦不了解那是不是真正的他自己)。過去是不是真的是 your past is an illusion(如果是作為組成我的部分,還有什麼會不主觀的)?Syd 在任務底下,面對那枚 ex-girlfriend 最想要問的並不是 David 在哪,而是「Did he did things end badly with you guys?」她到底想清楚明白她 in love with 的男孩到底是真正的他還不過只是他想要她看到的他。他骨子裡是個真正的壞蛋,還是他是他面前的他。

If you come with me, you are gonna see things. You will not feel the same about me.

接受一個人,喜歡一個人,甚是愛一個人;或者就要接受不同層面不同面向的他,說到底,就不是只因為每一個人都是 legion。

*寫於《Legion》第 1 季第 4 集後

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